Well, it's been a hot second since I last posted. I can't believe how fast time flies! I finally had a moment to sit down and share my thoughts. Recently, I mentioned that I needed to adjust my schedule and cut out the negativity in my life. Without giving away too many details, I did just what I set out to do. I made some big changes in my life and can finally breathe easy again. I have more time with my kids and some extra time to dedicate to my final book. I can say with confidence that what I did was the right choice, as if a heavy burden was lifted and I am free. My writing has been the best it's ever been (in my opinion), my home is a happy home (not that it wasn't, but it's even better), and overall I feel more creative these days.

One of the things I've been doing lately is planning our yearly family vacation. As I've mentioned in a previous post is that I love going to Yosemite. My typical statement is "Yosemite is my most favorite place on Earth." It's very true. Every time I visit, I try and switch it up and make it different, whether it be that we stay in a new campground, go on new trails, or pick a new lake to visit and/or swim in. This year to switch it up, I've been making plans to stay in a campground right outside of Yosemite in the Sierra Nevadas and visit new point of interests, at least for a couple of days. Of course, we will mosey on up to Yosemite after exploring these new areas to stay in the actual park.

The first photo above is of Lake #2 of Big Pine Lakes in CA. There are campgrounds near the trailhead, in which I'm hoping to snag a spot. The hike itself takes you around five high altitude lakes, very near the eastern entrance to Yosemite (off the 395.) Nearby, there is also Crowley Lake Stone Columns (photo 2, directly above) and the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest (below pic.) These are a few places that I've been looking into visiting for our trip. There are also a few hot springs that I would love to visit. We'll see.

Beside vacation planning, I've been super inspired writing my final novel. I had been dying to write it for all these years, and now I'm finally writing the epic conclusion. I'm only about 75k words into the novel, but it's a good chunk that's written down. Typically my books run between 215k-250k. I'm guestimating that this final novel will be about 240k. Only time will tell.

Other than that, I've been attending karate classes with my kids, tinkering with my old retro computer from the early 90s, reading books, and playing Skyrim. I've been planning to attend a few conventions for the year, as well as a photoshoot that is in the works. We will see how this year unfolds. As always, thank you for reading! Until next time!